Monday 23 September 2013


I put my heart in a blender.

I fantasized about watching it shred,
And imagined the sight,
A brilliant red.

I thought better of that idea
And threw it on the street,
Where my feet kicked it about 
Like discarded red meat.

There my heart collected dirt. 
So I rolled it up in my shirt.

I decided a black heart wouldn't do
So I took it to a river 
For a good wash and shampoo.

The heart soon found its rightful colour.
After a thorough scrubbing it shone in the sun of summer.

But a newly-soaked heart is a slippery thing, 
And I soon saw it jump from my grasp 
To float with the river's current;
To escape its oppressor at last.

Now dying without my pump 
I went in search of that goddamn lump.

I scoured every heartless hole,
Every filthy corner, beneath every sole;
Before finding the stubborn organ in a muddy little puddle, 
Wallowing beneath the water's surface,
Begging to renew its natural purpose.

Afraid to see my heart escape once more, I moved it to a chest;
Secured the lock, tossed the key, and left it there to rest.

In my chest it shall remain, I hope,
Pumping blood to my peculiar brain.

Monday 2 September 2013

Stone Queen

She was implacable. Behind those sealed lips she imprisoned potential. An unknowable future straining against the leash fixed on the tip of her tongue - a ball of naivety rolling up a hill towards an unseen cliff never to be traversed. 

The war could not be won, but the thought of even the most insignificant victories along the eternal path of battle inspired him to chip away at the stone queen. 

As a determined drop digs a hole through rock he would fight without relent, without dreams of self-preservation, and break himself against the immovable façade. He would inevitably sacrifice all, despite knowing the gains were minuscule.  He would gaze upon his coming demise, smile at the angel of death, raise his hammer for another blow, and stubbornly persist...

A heroic effort without fame would be worth it all the same, if upon her pallid lips a hairline crack would appear, and the dust that settled where her eyes should be produced a single tear.