Sunday 31 December 2023


Our capacity for love and creation
Is but a glimmer upon the surface of the Source,
Whose depths plunge down to the foundations;
Then up the Mountain, 
To feed the rivers, 
To cut their course.

With passion they pour to four corners,
Nourishing the soil of our fields, 
Where hope sprouts endless potential.
Mark the beauty of love's humble yields.

Friday 8 December 2023


Wake me from my sleep.
Keep the earth beneath my feet.
Lead me not to despair,
But to the beauty of life laid bare.

Let me feel the burn
Of the love for which we yearn.

Harden my feet for the road.
Soften my heart for the story.
Fix my eyes on the path
To the kingdom, 
Through the power,
In glory.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Sacred Test

Without her frame
There is no vision.
Without her call
There is no quest.

Lost is man
Who fails to see.
Her eyes reveal
His sacred test.

Saturday 11 November 2023


At the edge of the world, 
The lines are blurred.
Multiplicity grows.
The road has turned.

That which once united
Is forgotten, and divides.
Splintered into chaos.
The truth no longer guides.

Thursday 5 October 2023


What kind of man is this?
Who sits idle as his angels die.
Who shuts his eyes and plugs his ears.
Who shrinks from the gaping abyss.

When the truth descends, his name is called.
He must fight his fear and resist.
The darkness spreads.
The demons grow.
What kind of man is this?

Stand tall and look in their eyes.
Watch them dance upon slithering lies.
Wield the truth.
Hear them hiss:
'There's no running from a man like this.'

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Sick, Sick

So few even look
At the beauty of life passing by.
So few stop to think
Why the tiny screen beats an infinite sky.

Neural pathways throb and grow
With the clockwork demon's desires.
Indeed, they are not your own.
Technology against you conspires.

I fear these words may be wasted,
For attention is fading - and quick.
What's next in this race towards nothing?
Hurry, hurry! The thumb scrolls click, click...

Thursday 14 September 2023

Collective Confidant

The dark stage teems with tales untold.
Oozing between floorboards.
Whispering in the cold.

All eyes gleam as curtains glide.
The open door beckons.
The mind leaps inside.

Ears perk up, 
As eyes peer in.
The hero strides with purpose.
Lukewarm is quiet sin.

Behold the complex lies
Weaved somewhere in youth.
The hero must suffer greatly
To learn the simple truth.

Hang on every word.
Revelation lurks inside.
In response to raising stakes,
In the audience he'll confide.

Monday 11 September 2023

Crowing Cock

No doubt.
Dead cert. 
Chickens scratch in the dirt.

Flirty friction.
Nipple perk.
Erogenous work.

Ruffle my feathers.
Bring me to the brink.
Yeah, the eggs are what you think.

'Crowing Cock' is the third track 
from Farmyard Fornicators' debut album, 
'Don't ask. Don't swell.'

Thursday 3 August 2023


On slick summer eves,
Her dreams would bask
In the sun's soft kiss
As it descended, at last,
Beyond the earth's edge; 
Violet and vast.
Eyes linger in the distance, 
As shadows move past.

Sunday 16 July 2023


Gabby, savvy frogs line the wet tarmac road.
The King's coronation!
The most righteous of toad.

Moonlight drips silver
About his ribbit visage.
Such regal disposition!
Such pristine ribbit lineage!

The Frog King is crowned.
No ribbit tale too tall.
The collective croaks in unison:
'The bloke with the shiny hat rules us all!'

Saturday 1 July 2023


To override the instinct of self-preservation, 
Commit your mind and spirit.
It's doubt annihilation.

The purpose and the meaning is right outside your door.
Break that cursed lock.
Stop asking for more.

The riches and the glory, we cannot comprehend.
Sure, weigh the precious gold.
It's all for pretend.

Find something to die for. It's the last thing we do.
Stare into the sky more.
Love created it for you.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Whisper gently

Find me in darkness.
It's where I stand.
Under cloud in chill air
On a cool, wet land.

Drifting upwards
To the firmament's hands.
It's where you'll find me.
It's where I understand.

Whisper softly.
Your voice is what mends.
Never mind my twisted, broken hands.
They'll lift you gently, 
To where we understand...

Do you feel the raindrops?
Do you sense the sky descend?
Whisper gently.
With me there's no pretend.

Inspired by Michael J. Sheehey's song - Twisted Little Man
(listen to find the flow)

Monday 19 June 2023

The Well

I hope one day to meet the source
Of this well with the bottomless wit.
Such peculiar games you play with me.
For every flame, a hundred never lit.


When you think you've reached the bitter end,
You've only breached the crust.
How many swings of the pick, young man?
In large numbers we place our trust.

Live for the moment you hit that vein
Of truth buried in the soil.
How deep and thick will the riches run?
How long will the last of us toil?

Monday 12 June 2023

The Song

At the centre a beam of light hums,
Around which our patterns dance as drums
Beat to form the foundational heart
Of this Body in which we play our part.

Seeking our truest notes to sing
Resonant harmonies, the bell will ring
When each moves in its purest form
Among others of whom this life is born.

The Song awaits your novel view,
So pluck your strings - the days are few.

Sunday 4 June 2023

Eternal tapestry

I sense the first strands growing; 
The threads of fate pulling me towards the one 
Who will bind herself to me, and I to her. 
She is hidden from me. 
Her presence lingers beyond my vision. 
Yet I know she feels the same thread twisting, 
As it weaves itself between our wandering spirits. 
When we find the source of our shared yearning, 
Only then will the eternal tapestry's beauty be revealed 
In all its glory.

Wednesday 31 May 2023

The Great Owl

With iron beak and glinting talon
He slew and grew too large to fathom.

In chill of night he asks us who;
Rhetorical inquiry cuts us through.

A rousing fear will sweep the floor
Of the forest steeped in ancient lore.

The Great Owl haunts and stalks the small, 
Who shiver when they hear his call.

Monday 29 May 2023


Always just beyond the grasp,
The moon hangs in the winter sky.
Crisp air. 
Rustling leaves.
The pierce of the owl's yellow eye.


Middle of the road.
Middle of the street.
Middle of bloody nowhere;
Exactly the place we meet.

Pick a direction.
Move your feet.
Standing is deadly.
You'll put me to sleep.


    A strange serenity descends, 
Enveloping my senses with peace.
  Every scale at once in balance;
           Tranquil harmony, 
             To say the least.

Tuesday 23 May 2023


I'm tired today. Won't you leave me be?
No, no, write me down! 
You're the only one I see!

You're not even ready. 
Just calm down and get away from me.
Still you doubt?! How silly!
Now grab a pen and set me free!

Fine, but you are the last.
It's 3am, I'll have you know.
Yes, yes, now focus, 
And do me a favour - make me flow.

Write me down

Tip-top, Old Boy, tip-top.
When pen hits paper, it just won't stop.
Rapid ink rushes to fill the blank space.
Yes indeed unending, 
And savagely unchaste. 

With the ink barely dry, here comes another reply,
'Write me down, you bastard!'
I acquiesce with a sigh.

I can't really blame them.
They simply want to be.
If only to live on paper, 
In their own world free from me.

Sunday 21 May 2023


Bring it in for a hug.
Loosen the grip upon your soul.
Let it find its merry way to mine,
And in our shared heart, intertwine.

Chaos canvas

We are planets of potential,
Orbiting orbs of light.

Do you feel the warmth on your surface?
Do you spin on your axis to hide?
Upon the chaos canvas, 
In the black ink of space we reside,
Our celestial bodies may pull
To attract until we collide.

Thursday 18 May 2023


See, this one cat was being all loud and crude. 
Slinging insults like David.
Getting all kinds of rude.

Then Goliath got lawyers, 
And that brash brigand got sued.
Now imagine that loudmouth in court
With his ass getting chewed.

For a decade that shit got viewed.
For dirty laundry? 
Hell, people even queued.

You wanna know the weight of that ten-year feud?
It's nothing dude. 
Pure verisimilitude. 

Wednesday 17 May 2023


In a forest long forgotten,
Where the light does not shine down, 
From below the world is illumined, 
Between black pillars of trees with no crown.

Stagnant is the mist, thick and green, 
Dormant air, Wind never sought to clean.

Tiny feet patter somewhere in the mud.
Amber eyes dance in darkness before the thud,
As heavy limbs awaken after slumber;
Far too near a voice rumbles like thunder.

'Who walks this path of the dead?
Your presence like old skin I shall shed.'

Monday 15 May 2023


Proud and pale, the billowing sail
Thrusts us forth in icy gale,
To take us north to distant land.
I forget the touch of home's warm sand.

Upon the black, tempestuous sea,
Doubt may creep and take from me
Something which returns with haste
When I mark the stars, bright and free.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Crystal river blues

You're a crystal river - cutting through my land, 
Carrying mysteries - you do not understand.
On a silver current - shining under moon.
Why did we meet so soon?

For forty days - and forty nights
We moved in the darkness - we lit our holy lights.
Unearthing new thoughts - on the edges of your bed.
Who knows what was said?

We cannot sneak - by the ocean shore.
Your water pulls - me under and more.
As I try to swim - I remember a song.
I will drown - in your sea before long.

Monday 8 May 2023

With love

I want to fill your lonely heart
With my warm embrace when we're apart.

I wish to send my gentle words
To ease your pain when longing burns.

When my loving spirit finds your home,
May you know that you are not alone.

Thursday 4 May 2023


In the quiet my mind transforms
As I travel deep within
To a land both imagined and real,
Where there's no distance between me and you.

Come look through these eyes I move.
Come slip on this curious man's shoes.
Feel another's heart in your chest.
Feel emotions of unknown provenance.

Let the edges of your being fade away
As you dissolve into the rhythm of his stride.
Once his conscience mingles with your thinking,
Immersion's bought your ticket for a ride.

Monday 1 May 2023

Not to worry

One day the breeze will feed the flame, 
On another it will extinguish.
One day a word will win control, 
On another it will relinquish.

To find the ever fading line, 
The keenest mind can only guess.
Not to worry though, we're not meant to know.
Life's supposed to be a wonderful mess.

Friday 28 April 2023


An eternal war rages in his heart.
Oft ignored as it tears life apart.

No longer will he avert his eyes.
No more will he linger in the comfort 
Of the cowardice cowering inside.

'The Devourer feeds on fear and doubt;
I shall starve him.'

The warrior dons his armour, 
Brandishes his blade,
To shine like a brazen beacon.
Watch the Enemy fade, 
As he strides beneath the sun 
To spark with hope and ignite
A conviction with which to vanquish.
Tempered steel finds grim delight.

Wednesday 26 April 2023


How much of you is habit?
Grooves worn smooth and deep.
How snugly they fit your comforts,
To put your dreams to sleep.

Tuesday 25 April 2023

The Lines

No one truly knows you.
You're an estimate in other minds.
In the aggregate we seek understanding.
Common ground outside the lines.

Monday 24 April 2023


Survey your fertile field.
Pay attention what is sown.
Lest poison tendrils thrive
To reach up to your throne.

They only need the slightest
Weakness to exploit.
Vigilant is the sower;
Present and adroit.

Wednesday 19 April 2023


With whispered breath, they speak her name.
The air will shift in her domain.

Beyond the veil, of blackened night,
Her visage stirs in pale starlight.

Her spirit glides, with flowing grace.
The Starlit Dame reveals her face.

With Onyx eyes, both deep and wise,
She peers through all the cunning lies.

The wicked sneak, to pass unseen,
Beneath the gaze of fair Selneen.

The Call

Oh my dear fellow, what a ghastly idea.
You mean to pursue a political career?

Yes, I hear your good intentions.
They're easy to declare.
But you're entering a nest of vipers
With wet ears and tidy hair.

I'm sure it's a grand design, 
But it's still an ivory tower.
Do you believe the elephants will consent
And vote you into power?

Of course you do. What was I thinking?
Hubristic delusion conquers all.
You must excuse me, I'm suddenly quite ill.
I do regret answering this call.

The Hounds

From eastern mount to western shore,
Watch them run - the dogs of war.
Across the desert. 
Across the plain.
Driven by hunger. 
Driven by pain.

In hollow eyes their flames are lit.
Like candlelight in the darkest pit.

Feed them with flesh.
Feed them with fear.
No matter the distance, 
They always draw near.

Wail at the horror.
Howl at the moon. 
The hounds are unleashed.
Death will come soon. 

Tuesday 18 April 2023


Why hide in the shadows?
Oh sweet son of mine.
Why bury in the dirt
That which was made to shine?

Do you not feel the tremor of my passing
As it reverberates through life ever-lasting?

Can you not glean from those glimmers of glory
That your life can shimmer like a story?
With scenes that are never just an act.
Where truth digs much deeper than fact.

Thursday 30 March 2023


In the quiet,
Scattered thoughts will run

Until the breath brings one,
To stand still
For long enough to know
It has permission
To take root; to grow...

In tilled earth rich and dark. 
The scent...
Of silent rain 
As clouds consent
To nourish the sacred seed of muse;
A gift only the obtuse refuse
To provide with presence;
An attentive light.
May eyes bear witness
To such a sight.

Wednesday 1 March 2023

The Door

The mind imagines the temple.
The breath lets others know.
The hand collects the earth, 
To create above, below.

To see the ancient pattern, 
Is to participate in its flow.
When Heaven and Earth align, 
Truth will make it so.

To behold the living structure,
Is to feel the Spirit soar.
There is more to you than flesh.
Humility opens the door.

Wednesday 15 February 2023

A thought

A portal through the Veil.
A branch to climb the Tree.
With courage to test the limbs,
You ascend to set us free.

Consciousness swirls below, 
Unaware of its nebulous form.
The Winking Eye beckons you further
Up and Up
Through the membranes you go...

As you separate from norms of perception, 
Your fingertips expand to feel all.
The Tree is no longer a ladder.
Understanding is a mind in free fall.

Fear is but a passing recognition
Of the pain which reminds us we're caught
In this ineffable shape of divinity
Where gratitude is more than a thought.

Friday 3 February 2023

Time Eater

Captured by the Abyss,
Eyes cannot help but stare
In-to its infinite nothing;
Watering seeds of despair.

Veiled by moving colours,
Insidiously pulling us under.
Behind the multi-hued ripples
Time Eater feasts... 
With insatiable hunger.

Hypnosis into Psychosis.
Delicious poison
In small doses.

Saturday 28 January 2023

Swing your feet

So what are your hopes and dreams?
Those things that make you float.
What are your peeves and fears?
What really gets your goat?

When you open your morning eyes, 
And decide to swing your feet, 
Do you notice the light reach in
To pull you off your seat?

Just beyond the corner, 
You never quite seem to turn, 
Hope will spring eternal.
The star with an infinite burn.

Saturday 21 January 2023

The Eye

Around a single point
The icy wind begins to bend.
An ever-tightening spiral
Of howling power
Swift to send
Every object
In its warring path
Somewhere further
From its cutting blast.

The divisive force
(It would appear)
Is doomed to miss
What's very near.
Right within 
Its savage flow, 
The eye looks out
To watch the show.

Saturday 14 January 2023


A playful beauty resides
In the moments allowed to be,
When thought is drowned in rapids,
As river runs to sea.

Do words enrich her presence?
Or push her into shade?
Her voice at once a siren.
A toll is to be paid.

Sacrifice the present.
Let Ego fade to dust.
Melt into her river.
Feel its fecund thrust.

When it's over, you'll return, 
Floating in a sea.
'Of my creation or hers?'
Silly Ego, 
Let it be.