Wednesday 31 May 2023

The Great Owl

With iron beak and glinting talon
He slew and grew too large to fathom.

In chill of night he asks us who;
Rhetorical inquiry cuts us through.

A rousing fear will sweep the floor
Of the forest steeped in ancient lore.

The Great Owl haunts and stalks the small, 
Who shiver when they hear his call.

Monday 29 May 2023


Always just beyond the grasp,
The moon hangs in the winter sky.
Crisp air. 
Rustling leaves.
The pierce of the owl's yellow eye.


Middle of the road.
Middle of the street.
Middle of bloody nowhere;
Exactly the place we meet.

Pick a direction.
Move your feet.
Standing is deadly.
You'll put me to sleep.


    A strange serenity descends, 
Enveloping my senses with peace.
  Every scale at once in balance;
           Tranquil harmony, 
             To say the least.

Tuesday 23 May 2023


I'm tired today. Won't you leave me be?
No, no, write me down! 
You're the only one I see!

You're not even ready. 
Just calm down and get away from me.
Still you doubt?! How silly!
Now grab a pen and set me free!

Fine, but you are the last.
It's 3am, I'll have you know.
Yes, yes, now focus, 
And do me a favour - make me flow.

Write me down

Tip-top, Old Boy, tip-top.
When pen hits paper, it just won't stop.
Rapid ink rushes to fill the blank space.
Yes indeed unending, 
And savagely unchaste. 

With the ink barely dry, here comes another reply,
'Write me down, you bastard!'
I acquiesce with a sigh.

I can't really blame them.
They simply want to be.
If only to live on paper, 
In their own world free from me.

Sunday 21 May 2023


Bring it in for a hug.
Loosen the grip upon your soul.
Let it find its merry way to mine,
And in our shared heart, intertwine.

Chaos canvas

We are planets of potential,
Orbiting orbs of light.

Do you feel the warmth on your surface?
Do you spin on your axis to hide?
Upon the chaos canvas, 
In the black ink of space we reside,
Our celestial bodies may pull
To attract until we collide.

Thursday 18 May 2023


See, this one cat was being all loud and crude. 
Slinging insults like David.
Getting all kinds of rude.

Then Goliath got lawyers, 
And that brash brigand got sued.
Now imagine that loudmouth in court
With his ass getting chewed.

For a decade that shit got viewed.
For dirty laundry? 
Hell, people even queued.

You wanna know the weight of that ten-year feud?
It's nothing dude. 
Pure verisimilitude. 

Wednesday 17 May 2023


In a forest long forgotten,
Where the light does not shine down, 
From below the world is illumined, 
Between black pillars of trees with no crown.

Stagnant is the mist, thick and green, 
Dormant air, Wind never sought to clean.

Tiny feet patter somewhere in the mud.
Amber eyes dance in darkness before the thud,
As heavy limbs awaken after slumber;
Far too near a voice rumbles like thunder.

'Who walks this path of the dead?
Your presence like old skin I shall shed.'

Monday 15 May 2023


Proud and pale, the billowing sail
Thrusts us forth in icy gale,
To take us north to distant land.
I forget the touch of home's warm sand.

Upon the black, tempestuous sea,
Doubt may creep and take from me
Something which returns with haste
When I mark the stars, bright and free.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Crystal river blues

You're a crystal river - cutting through my land, 
Carrying mysteries - you do not understand.
On a silver current - shining under moon.
Why did we meet so soon?

For forty days - and forty nights
We moved in the darkness - we lit our holy lights.
Unearthing new thoughts - on the edges of your bed.
Who knows what was said?

We cannot sneak - by the ocean shore.
Your water pulls - me under and more.
As I try to swim - I remember a song.
I will drown - in your sea before long.

Monday 8 May 2023

With love

I want to fill your lonely heart
With my warm embrace when we're apart.

I wish to send my gentle words
To ease your pain when longing burns.

When my loving spirit finds your home,
May you know that you are not alone.

Thursday 4 May 2023


In the quiet my mind transforms
As I travel deep within
To a land both imagined and real,
Where there's no distance between me and you.

Come look through these eyes I move.
Come slip on this curious man's shoes.
Feel another's heart in your chest.
Feel emotions of unknown provenance.

Let the edges of your being fade away
As you dissolve into the rhythm of his stride.
Once his conscience mingles with your thinking,
Immersion's bought your ticket for a ride.

Monday 1 May 2023

Not to worry

One day the breeze will feed the flame, 
On another it will extinguish.
One day a word will win control, 
On another it will relinquish.

To find the ever fading line, 
The keenest mind can only guess.
Not to worry though, we're not meant to know.
Life's supposed to be a wonderful mess.