Sunday 16 July 2023


Gabby, savvy frogs line the wet tarmac road.
The King's coronation!
The most righteous of toad.

Moonlight drips silver
About his ribbit visage.
Such regal disposition!
Such pristine ribbit lineage!

The Frog King is crowned.
No ribbit tale too tall.
The collective croaks in unison:
'The bloke with the shiny hat rules us all!'

Saturday 1 July 2023


To override the instinct of self-preservation, 
Commit your mind and spirit.
It's doubt annihilation.

The purpose and the meaning is right outside your door.
Break that cursed lock.
Stop asking for more.

The riches and the glory, we cannot comprehend.
Sure, weigh the precious gold.
It's all for pretend.

Find something to die for. It's the last thing we do.
Stare into the sky more.
Love created it for you.