Saturday, 23 March 2024


Douvoordag staan die kryger wag, 
Op die grenspos tussen wild en woning.
'n Blaar ritsel in die bos - vyand of kos?
'Soms bring die wind 'n verandering van koning.'

Filosofie staan op sy.
Geweerloop kom by.
Sneller rus teen 'n vinger koud van bloed.

Hamer wil net steek, 
Soos 'n angel moordbeneuk, 
Op die rug van 'n yster skerpioen.

In 'n asem klap die knel.
Die teiken val soos vel.
Kryger rus.
Die weerlig sal vertel, 
Van 'n mik so sekuur 
In die grys oggenduur, 
Die wêreld suis, 
Soos bokvet op die vuur.

Monday, 18 March 2024


Keep watch, the dawn shall break
Upon the broken night.
Works of filth and fear
Once more shall burn in light.

Hope, which withered in shadow
And choked on sorrow and strife, 
Shall feel the cleansing breeze;
Shall taste the breath of life.

Slumbering souls shall wake.
Tendrils shall recede.
The spirit is restored
With every righteous deed.

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Into a verse

(on the beat of 'Without Me' by Eminem)

Now I'm back in the groove.
Slicker than smooth.
Knocking out the next line.
Swift shift and move.

Scribble drivel faster.
Wicked and terse.
Like thoughts popping up, 
And then?
Into a verse.

Question not.
I got these rhymes on lock.
For the serpentine syllables,
Eve has a rock.

Didn't see it coming then.
Who has the key?
This man in the mirror knows
Nothing is free.