Tuesday 17 September 2024


Keep the vigil.
Lock the doors
Of the heart.

Light a candle.
Say the words.
Fear depart.

Ask for wisdom
To discern
In the dark:

Friend from foe, 
Grace from woe, 
And where to start.

Thursday 22 August 2024


Bless the shepherd who leads his sheep
Through the valley of death, in darkest deep, 
Where enemies never tire, nor sleep, 
And with scornful eyes roam mountains steep, 
Awaiting their chance to strike with fear;
To scatter the flock as doubt draws near.

With blazing heart and vision clear, 
The shepherd speaks, 'Stay true, my dear.'

By flaming staff, the shadows run.
The night is chased, 'Behold the sun!'
A path is lit - The narrow Way.
Not one is lost - Not one shall stray.

Wednesday 14 August 2024


Met vrye wil, 
kies ek verkeerd
in elke oomblik - 
weer gebreek.

met elke asem.
Steek my weg
in Spieël se wasem.

maar kan nie waak.
Drome maak my deernis vaak.

Wat as ek hier onder bly?
'n Besluit wat bloei,
en 'n Hart wat sny.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Flowing light

A presence that glows as the sunrise,
Gliding with a warm, flowing light;
Easing the hearts of the restless,
Compelling fear, with her touch, to take flight.

Whispered, are the tales of her beauty.
Endless - the reach of her wings.
Faithful, as Spring trailing Winter.
Of her compassion, and love, the soul sings.

Friday 28 June 2024


Image contained in seed.
Seed contained in earth.

Dust turns into clay -
Quenching every thirst.

Flesh and breath unite - 
Proceeding from the First.

That which once was death, 
Transformed into a birth.

Monday 17 June 2024


Play the chorus.
Taste the sweet.
Look, moving pictures.
Demon meat.

Desperate pleasure.
Empty depths.
Exploring all... 
    except the self.

Monday 20 May 2024

Free Quincy Flo

Words won't be enslaved.
They don't respond to force.
The Antenna's subtle hum
Tingles from the Source.

Friday 3 May 2024


There is comfort in the dark,
For you do not have to see
The truth of where you are, 
And the place where you must be.

The distance may strike fear.
Idle feet avoid the pain
Of climbing up the hill.
Yet a yearning will remain...

Until you muster strength
To light a match to see.
The candle awaits your warmth.
The light is yours to be.

Saturday 23 March 2024


Douvoordag staan die kryger wag, 
Op die grenspos tussen wild en woning.
'n Blaar ritsel in die bos - vyand of kos?
'Soms bring die wind 'n verandering van koning.'

Filosofie staan op sy.
Geweerloop kom by.
Sneller rus teen 'n vinger koud van bloed.

Hamer wil net steek, 
Soos 'n angel moordbeneuk, 
Op die rug van 'n yster skerpioen.

In 'n asem klap die knel.
Die teiken val soos vel.
Kryger rus.
Die weerlig sal vertel, 
Van 'n mik so sekuur 
In die grys oggenduur, 
Die wêreld suis, 
Soos bokvet op die vuur.

Monday 18 March 2024


Keep watch, the dawn shall break
Upon the broken night.
Works of filth and fear
Once more shall burn in light.

Hope, which withered in shadow
And choked on sorrow and strife, 
Shall feel the cleansing breeze;
Shall taste the breath of life.

Slumbering souls shall wake.
Tendrils shall recede.
The spirit is restored
With every righteous deed.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Into a verse

(on the beat of 'Without Me' by Eminem)

Now I'm back in the groove.
Slicker than smooth.
Knocking out the next line.
Swift shift and move.

Scribble drivel faster.
Wicked and terse.
Like thoughts popping up, 
And then?
Into a verse.

Question not.
I got these rhymes on lock.
For the serpentine syllables,
Eve has a rock.

Didn't see it coming then.
Who has the key?
This man in the mirror knows
Nothing is free. 

Friday 23 February 2024

Platform B

If only we could walk
Outside the patterns of our thought.

To mark the train's old stops.
To sell the tickets we have bought.

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Weather Vane

Spectral edges meet
Deep within the heights;
Drawing every searching eye.
Whispered hints descend a moving sky.

Weather vane,
Plot the course.
The breeze is spirit.
And word the source.

Feel again
Without your skin.
The body is not a vessel.
Lips and tongue, 
Shape my breath.
Flesh is housed within soul's expression.

Friday 26 January 2024

Dear Brother

Dear Brother, 
The men have gone astray.
They worship thoughts;
They brood in the dark;
Yet do not pray.

They ponder how,
But never why.
If they but ask,
They'll hear no lie.

With knowledge, they believe they're set free.
Have they forgotten the snake and the tree?

Do you remember the words of our father?

'Reason is a tool. 
Don't let it make a fool.
Where knowledge fails, 
Wisdom lights the way.'

Kelkie kernkrag




Nou toe nou

Groen gras.

Wednesday 24 January 2024


In his cunning, he built a carnival
And rubbed his hands.
'See them smile, 
As the glass trickles its sands.'

Colours move - mesmerise - entrance.
Win gold! 
In thrilling games of chance.

Taste the sweet - the savoury - the feast.
Take a ride!
Upon 'Devouring Beast'.

Clock the ticking
Of the track up the spire.
Feel alive!
As the roller coasts higher.

A moment's clarity
At the apex of the climb.

Before insight,
The Fall.
Killing Time.