Tuesday, 23 August 2022

The Grizzled Poet

Who knows when he first appeared?
The wizard's only son.
He's the one the blank page feared.
His pen's a loaded gun.

Rhythmic and rapid -
Mellifluous flow ~
Colour meets canvas.
Watch the scene grow.

With inky curves
New lines are wrought.
Pull'em from the ether.
Dip'em in thought.

Callous and cruel.
Loving and sweet.
Come take a ride
Down the grizzled poet's street.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Grateful Ears

The cool refreshing morning air
Whispers past to move your hair.
The sunlit Sunday warms your skin
And the hearts of gentle kin.

A smile forms on a stranger's lips.
Notice as your worry slips.
A kind word seeks out grateful ears,
Chipping away at stubborn fears.

As the man upon the hill attests,
These small things are the very best. 

Friday, 19 August 2022

A New Sun

Never mind the burning,
For the dead wood must be fed
To the fire of transformation.
The old skin must be shed.

Never mind the pain,
Or the years of fear and doubt,
For the point of maximal suffering
Lifts the best within without.

When the wood has turned to ash
And the smoke rides on the breeze, 
There you'll stand - a sapling, 
Small among the trees.

Never mind the Darkness
Of the road which led astray, 
For the Light will shine the brighter.
A new sun rose today.

Monday, 15 August 2022


'n Winterstappie in die goue uur...
Hoor die voetval ritme.
Ruik die kaggelvuur.

Gewaar die kunswerk,
Geverf met lig.
Verkyk myself.
Oë laat my swig.

In my kop sal ek die prent bewaar.
Natuurskoon het geen eienaar.

Tuesday, 9 August 2022


'n Meganiese gesprek
Met ratte wat draai voor oë
Wat nie meer kan onderskei
Tussen wat hul sien en wat hul glo.

êrens onder die koue staal
staan mensdom uitgeteer en kaal,
met 'n hart wat steeds wil klop
met warm bloed
en 'n smaak vir God.

Sunday, 7 August 2022


        And so the future bends...
With every decision we make amends 
With the blissful ignorance of our past.
Our mind's eye down the road we cast.

Deep within our unconscious mind
We create the avatars which will find
The end of every conceivable road.
Our adventurers carry our existential load.

Most will meet a tragic demise,
And curse their creator for giving them eyes.
Yet some survivors will return
With experience rich in wisdom to earn.

Armed with insight, we choose our form - 
        To become The One, 
                    Until we're reborn.

Wednesday, 3 August 2022


In die donker oggend staan Helderberg
Uitgeknip teen die wit branderwolk.
Die sterre verbeel hul dis middernag
En skitter vir die maan wat so glimlag.

Bluegum Gossip

Whispered secrets play among the leaves
Of the bluegum gently swaying in the breeze.
An aircraft cuts the clear blue sky;
A soothing purr - the day walks by.

The dispassionate observer seeing all.
A peripheral eye - the landscape crawl.
Watching ephemeral sunlit scenes
Until the golden light recedes
Beyond the endless emerald sea.
Did the bluegum hear about you and me?

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Another one (written 4th]

Life is strange and ironic sometimes.
I laugh at it often.
Often I laugh at others' expense (teehee).
A lilypad scene turns me on some.

Though you may find this quite quaint, 
A lilypad you ain't.
Skittleglad - Skipplesad.
skuttlepug. skiddelme.
Subtle lack.
Saunter back.